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Virtualization can increase IT agility, flexibility and scalability while creating significant cost savings. Greater workload mobility, increased performance and availability of resources, automated operations - they're all benefits of virtualization that make IT simpler to manage and less costly to own and operate.

It is the process of creating a software-based, or virtual, representation of something, such as virtual applications, servers, storage and networks and is the single most effective way to reduce IT expenses while boosting efficiency and agility for all size businesses

It doesn't matter if your organization is large or small. Virtualizing your IT is a smart move and will save you money in the long run. It will also give you more flexibility in supporting your IT infrastructure. Even if you only have one server, virtualization can be very advantageous. Contact us today for more information.

.NET Programing

Microsoft's ASP.NET is a robust platform that enables the creation of simplest to most complex web applications. It offers flexibility and scalability to develop solutions across devices and industries. As a .NET Development Company, Cybercom Network Services has expertise in developing highly functional, feature-rich and user-friendly applications for desktops, and web platforms.

Every desktop or web application we create is a custom solution for your business. We use our expertise to deliver a uniquely tailored product just for you and does what you need it to. Contact us today for free consultaion and let's discuss the needs of your company.

Network Administration

The performance and availability of mission critical business systems are dependent upon the health and performance of the network infrastructure.

Stop worrying about the maintenance, management, and administration of your servers and network. Instead let our expierinced team take care of it for you. We'll proactively monitor your systems and ensure that your IT is operating at optimal efficiency so you can focus on your business.

EMR Integration

Almost all EMR and Lab L.I.S. vendors support HL7 for integrations. In order to achieve optimal growth and profitability, the ordering of labs and delivery of results needs to be electronic, automated and embedded in the practice workflow. EMR/EHR integration is becoming a 'must have' requirement to maximize revenue with an individual practice but for most independent labs the price of a traditional backend HL7 interface is cost prohibitive often costing more than $5000 per connection. We can alliviate that expense and save you possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars on Itegration.

Contact us today to take the first step toward affordable EHR integration.

Private Cloud Server

The benefits organizations can attain by running having a secure private cloud are flexibility, resource availability, strong security, and regulatory compliance.

For some organizations, the private cloud will be the only realistic option to ensure regulatory compliance. For example, HIPAA requires that 'electronic protected health information' (e-PHI) is created, received, stored, and transmitted in a way that ensures its confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Contact us today for additional information on how a 'Private Cloud Server' can help your company.

Secure Wireless Internet

A wireless network helps keep your company or home connected, however an unsecure connection can leave you prone to security problems. These problems can take time out of your busy schedule, and money out of your wallet. If you have a deadline looming, you cannot afford to work with an unsecure connection. Call us today to get your secure wireless network set up.